Sunday, March 30, 2008

Use the authority...

Day 1 of the Living Faith Crusade in St Joseph was great. Setup went smooth, thanks to a bunch of help from the local church; the rest of the team came in safely and service tonight was awesome.

Pastor spoke on one of the key subjects of this ministry - the authority of the believer.
So many times people tend to blame God for things that happen in this world, or they think that God is in control of this world. You hear things like "God sent this hurricane..." or "why did God let this happen"... We tend to forget though that God has delegated the Authority to us - the believers. We need to do something with it! With authority comes responsibility. It is time we, as Christians shape up and use what God has given us. Use it in your realm of influence. Speak over your property, that it is protected from the storm, speak over your family, etc.
Another thing that it is important is to use a tone of Authority. Its not enough to whisper around and kindly tell the devil to take his hands of bold about it and you will see results.

I have to share a story out of my own life: I have been having a bad cough about 2 weeks ago and i had to got to the doctor a few times. He prescribed some medication and I was standing and believing that "by his stripes i was healed". I was getting a lot better and by mid of last week it was gone completely. Then, the day before we are supposed to leave for this trip, I start to cough really hard and my thought turned fiery red. Immediately I had my doctors voice in my head that said "oh just wait, it will come back a few more times until it's all the way gone"... I quickly decided - not with me Mr. Devil: I got in the car and drove around campus yelling at the top of my lungs at the devil, telling him to take this cough and return to where he came from. Told him i was standing on the Word and that he over-extended his stay already. I decided not to think about it anymore and to act like it was so.
I kid you not, within 20 minutes the pain, cough and swelling was completely gone. Now, i am not telling you now to run and drive around, yelling like a crazy person :-) but it is the tone of authority that will make a difference. Just think about what God has provided for you with His son Jesus. Wow, what a responsibility we have.

Pastor did a great job tonight. He is such a great teacher and the audience really "soaked it in". Pastor and Mrs. had a healing line at the end of the service and we had a few testimonies of instant manifestations.

Thanks for everyone's prayers and for posting comments on this blog. Let us know you are reading.

For the entire Crusade team.

David W.


amekuser said...

Wow - good crowd! We're praying for you guys!

Unknown said...

Great to see the pictures of the services and the food from Steve and Cherie's house. I was born in Champaign-Urbana and grew up in Illinois. You guys are making me miss home!!!!

Tell Larry and Pam that Tad says hello.